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QUANTUM – paintings by Kamil Stańczak


Galeria Sztuki STALOWA

Exhibition opening: Saturday, February 5th 2022, 17:00-20:00

Galeria Sztuki STALOWA
ul. Stalowa 26
03-426 Warszawa

The exhibition runs until March 26th 2022.

Kamil Stańczak’s paintings are a phenomenal impulse for a trip into the cosmos of the subconscious. Inspirations from the beauty of nature, on the one hand, encourage you to build relationships with the surrounding world, but also to get to know yourself more deeply. Our way of looking at reality and our observation of it de facto create the energy of the environment. It’s worth making quantum leaps and making your life extraordinary.

Kamil Stańczak’s paintings are accompanied by a group of sculptures by Ignacy Nowodworski. SFORA is very impressive. It is ten supernatural sculptures of wolves, painted black, which emerge as if from a dream. Wolf’s independence, strength, and perseverance inspire recognition and give the courage to be free.

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